Callebaut Hall - the home of TAOS Musical Theatre
TAOS Musical Theatre are the proud custodians of Callebaut Hall, our home and rehearsal space on Kingston Road. The hall bears the name of our longtime and celebrated Director of yesteryear, Eva Callebaut, who bequeathed the hall to us in her will.
Eva Callebaut first directed TAOS in the 1933 production of 'A Country Girl' at the Lyceum Theatre, which at that time stood on the corner of Bridge Street and Staplegrove Road. The Taunton Courier of 18th January 1933 reporting that "Miss Eva CALLEBAUT, of London, will be the producer for the first time locally, and her excellent work at Frome and elsewhere in a similar capacity has aroused throughout the Society the most sanguine expectations"
Across the decades Eva Callebaut directed scores of successful TAOS productions, and until her death in 1989 she remained a staunch supporter of the Society. Today, her memory lives on through its association with the hall, and in the Vocal Duet Cup at the annual Taunton Festival of the Arts which bears her name.

Hall Hire
Did you know that we offer Callebaut Hall, to private hirers?
​Week days during term-time Callebaut Hall is the home of Tiny Feet Pre-School. Outside of these times, several local groups are already making use of our facilities on either a regular/ occasional basis. We offer:
Main large hall
Smaller second hall/ meeting room
Kitchen Facilities
Cloakroom Facilities
Centrally Heated venue
Public car park is directly opposite the Hall (free of charge after 6pm, and on Sundays)
If you are interested in making a booking, please email our Finance Manager, Tracy to discuss rates and availability:​